Real Tax Business Success
Lesson - 3
Choice, Fear and Consequences:
Author: Chauncey Hutter Jr.
These first few steps may seem “dumb” to you. You may not want to think about or address these significant “mental blocks” to your success. But, in my experience—these are the foundations to Million Dollar Thinking. Chances are—a big reason why you haven’t hit that level (yet) is because of your thinking … and because of your choices.

The choices you make NOW have the greatest impact in your life LATER. 

I personally don’t believe that there are any victims in life, there are only “volunteers who choose to feel victimized.” 

We choose to “get a bad deal” on a purchase of office equipment if we don’t do our homework ahead of time before the sale is made. We chose to put up with the “mean” irate client that yelled at us in the lobby of our office today. We even chose to have employees steal from us because we were too lazy to set up some kind of accountability system which “checks” for possible theft each day. 

You see, we make good and bad choices every day. Sometimes we even let “life” choose for us, by not making a decision at all! 
One major example everyone in the tax business can relate to is this…
It’s April 30th, and you have “fresh in your mind” all the things you want TO DO to improve your tax business for next year. You even have them written down this year. And eight months go by and it’s January 1st again. Well, what happened? 

You chose not TO DO almost everything on your “to do” list that you were committed to do last April and May. That’s okay though. Business is not so bad. You’ll lose a few clients and you’ll pick up some more to replace them. 

It was your choice. (You made your bed, now you get to sleep in it.) 

Do me a favor. 

Now that you’ve started this Crash Course, I want you to CHOOSE to actually use it! (And I don’t mean right before next tax season, I mean NOW!) 

I don’t care how good your tax business is right now, you can ALWAYS get a little bit better! If you just do a few little things each year, you’d be surprised how much of a difference it would make in your overall profitability of your bottom line. 

I know from personal experience. The years I choose to DO what I planned to do are the years our tax business ran the smoothest and made more profit. Yes, I know about making choices. I’ve made plenty of good ones and bad ones. All I’m asking you to do is choose a direction and actually go for it. 
Don’t do “nothing” and let life choose for you! And another thing…
Self image and “FEAR” affect everything from your goals to how you grow your tax business! 

If you have in your mind that you are a certain type of tax business owner that can’t change, or that you are a “200 or 300 client” operation and that’s all the clients you feel you can handle, well--YOU’RE RIGHT! 

Until you change your thinking and your self-image, you will have a hard time doubling or tripling your business (and keeping it at those profit levels) for any extended length of time. 

Why? Because none of us can outperform our own self image for any extended length of time! 

I can teach you how to get 1,000 new clients over the next three tax seasons, but if you don’t think you could handle the growth of new business or you don’t know how you would oversee the added employees, then guess what? 

You won’t do what it takes to get there because it doesn’t match up with the image you have of yourself. 

Did you know YOUR “FEAR” of the unknown will also “stunt” your tax business’ growth? Fear is NOT a bad thing. It can be healthy at times. But if fear is a problem for you because it paralyzes you from taking action, then let me fill you in on a “little secret” of what fear really stands for. 

FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real 

That’s right! 99% of what you fear never comes to pass anyway, but the “fearful” information you have in your head makes it seem real! 

You see, I’m going to ask you to do a lot of different things in this course that you probably have never done before. If you are paralyzed by fear, then you will NOT benefit from our Crash Course. Why? Because you’ll be too scared to DO anything I suggest. 

Look, everyone has fear. We are all human. It’s how you DEAL with fear that sets apart the successful people of the world. They actually fail MORE than anyone else every day because they are not afraid of it! (It doesn’t mean THEY are a failure.) 
When a successful person tries something and it doesn’t work out, that’s fine. It’s called a result. You have good results and bad results. Successful people don’t see a bad result as negative. It’s just new information that can be used to get better results in the future! 

Remember: How a person handles failure (usually perceived through a poor self image or fear of the unknown) determines how much success he or she can have.
Chauncey Hutter Jr.
Tax Marketing Expert
Chauncey Hutter, Jr, is a best-selling author and leading marketing consultant and success coach to the tax industry. Mr. Hutter grew his father’s $50,000 per year tax preparation business to a multi-million dollar empire with 24 locations, 400+ employees and over 27,000 tax clients all coming from his marketing campaigns. 

 For more info on Real Tax Business Success, go to 

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©RTBS / Chauncey Hutter, Jr