Are you starting to get the picture? (I bet you can tell right away which one you are.)
So now we have to figure out how to you write AND SELL to both kinds of prospects? And the best way to do so is use the “double readership path” technique.
When you use this technique, you are giving the prospect (no matter what he or she is, analytical or impulsive) what they WANT! So when the prospect opens your letter and reads your headline, what do they do next?
The analytical will tend to start from the first sentence and begin reading your letter without skipping ahead. The impulsive person will glance down and catch your first SUBHEADING and skim to the next etc. (maybe even turning to the end to read the P.S. or see the “offer”) but mainly getting the gist of your whole letter by reading other subheads, bullet points photo captions etc.
What are some other “tricks” to use to get the impulsive person back into your sales copy? You can underline text, boldface main words, box a paragraph, use different type styles, maybe a different color ink or even writing margin notes off to the side of the page.
The combination of a long, detailed logical copy coupled with the emotional appeals of added subheads, extra P.S. points etc. will sell more because you are “appealing” to both groups of people.
Something to remember: Your “impulsive prospect” should be able to catch and understand your whole sales message by just reading your headlines, subheadings, bullet points, P.S. and other mail-skimming items, even if they NEVER went back into your letter and read all the details about your offer and/or tax services.
That’s important because it happens more than you think!